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Solutions 解決方案

智慧型坐墊 (Smart Cushion)

此款智慧坐墊可以偵測坐姿是否正確? 並提醒坐姿不正,還可以記錄坐姿的資料讓使用者了解自己的坐姿狀況,藉以調整為正確的坐姿,避免因為坐姿不良導致的脊椎疾病與背部及腰部的疼痛。

This smart cushion can detect posture and remind sitting posture uncorrect. Sitting can also record data allows users to understand their posture condition, in order to adjust to the correct posture, avoid the bad posture caused by spinal disorders and back and waist pain.

All right reserved by Linkway Technology Co., LTD @ 2015

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