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Linkway Technology is a solution provider,

we also are a vendor, a service provider or a value-added reseller that comprehensively handles the project needs of our clients from concept to installation through support.


Linkway team is normally involves studying the client's current infrastructure, evaluating the client's needs, specifying the mix of manufacturers' hardware and software required to meet project goals, installing the hardware and software at the client's site(s).


Discover how Linkway links to your need now!

Smart is the Key

to the Future

凌緯科技是消費性電子產品零件及整合系統解決方案之專業廠商, 專注耕耘於壓力感測元件, LED光學透鏡, 無線充電收發模組..等相關應用領域. 


除提供質量皆精之尖端電子零件外, 作為客戶最佳之策略合作夥伴, 本公司致力提供高性能及穩定之元件解決方案與客戶, 透過不段的技術創新, 高度整合及深度客製化, 不僅協助客戶提高差異化的空間, 亦可大幅縮短產品從設計概念, 研發測試, 到量產上市的時間, 與客戶一起打造更好的用戶體驗, 共創市場契機.

All right reserved by Linkway Technology Co., LTD @ 2015

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